Careers — Geneix

As a small but fast growing start up we are always on
the look out for new talent!

So whether you're a seasoned programmer, a recent science graduate or just a genetics
enthusiast pop us an e-mail saying hello to

Current opportunities: 


  • Proven track record of delivering technical projects in the Electronic Medical Record industry

  • Ensure products comply with MHRA regulations and ITK & ISO accreditations (where necessary Quality Assurance too)

  • You are strongly analytical, love digging into numbers and identifying opportunities

  • 10+ years experience in digital health systems specifically in: big data analysis, database architecture and clinical coding

Main responsibilities will include: 

  • Taking charge of product development and managing the technical team
  • Working with our CEO and CSO to establish annual and quarterly development plans - product roadmap
  • Managing relationships with the technical teams of labs and digital health partners
  • Ensure Geneix is tech enabled (manage web-server, hosting providers)



  • Familiar with genetic reference databases (i.e. HGMD)

  • Experience of a strongly typed programming language

  • Critical problem solving and data analysis

    Main responsibilities will include: 

  • Curating specific pharmacogenetic reference databases

  • Assisting in the development of a bioinformatics pipeline

    The successful applicant will have an excellent Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or Bioinformatics background. Experience in genomic data analysis and data mining are desirable but not essential. 

If either of these opportunities seem right for you please get in touch with us, we would love to hear from you! 

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